Welcome to the client portal!

The client portal is a resource page that holds tutorials for all the products we’ll use for your design project. For your project, we will be utilizing Asana, Pinterest, and WordPress.

If you’re just getting started, check out the homework process here.


We will use Asana to keep up with your project schedules. To learn more about how we will use this project management tool, watch the video below. You can also read this blog post here.


Before your project begins, you will need to create a secret board to collect images that are relevant to your brand. Below you will find tutorials on how to create a secret Pinterest board and add me to it and how/what to pin on your secret board. You can also read this post here.


If web design was included in your package, then you will have the option of creating a blog. Below is a tutorial on how to create a new blog post in WordPress.