Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL
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Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL

Yay, I’m excited to post my first portfolio for video editing! Here’s the video editing and design for Sophie VL.

Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL


Sophie VL is a business coach who helps overwhelmed entrepreneurs grow their online business and ditch the plan B.

YouTube Videos

Sophie creates consistent videos every Tuesday and Thursday, so I edit 2 videos a week.

Color Correction and Lighting

The first thing I do for any video is a color correction and adjust the lighting. Before I start any project, I send a questionnaire to my clients. From that questionnaire, I take into consideration the style that the client likes, their brand, and their content when deciding on lighting and color.



Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL Before color correction


Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL after color correction

Editing and cuts

This is all dependent on the client. At the beginning of the project, there were a lot of jump cuts and heavy editing when there were mistakes. Sophie didn’t care too much for having a lot of edits and cuts, because she wanted to keep things natural.




Channel Manager

I’m actually the channel manager for Sophie VL. I upload videos, research titles, and tags, schedule the videos and create the end cards for the videos. Sophie only has to concentrate on creating awesome content. Read More “Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL”

How to record better YouTube videos

How to record better YouTube videos

As a video editor, it’s my job to make you look good. That makes sense right? I mean, your success equals my success too. Because I get the raw footage of your videos, I see your best and your worst  (don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me). I know how nerve-wracking it can be to be in front of a camera, so I think being prepared and knowing what to do on camera will definitely help make your videos look better and the editing process easier. If you want to learn how to record better YouTube videos, here are the 5 mistakes you’re making when recording a video.



How to record better YouTube videos

01 Slow it down

Talking too fast. This is a nervous habit. I’m guilty of this too! When you talk too fast, you tend to run your words together. It’s also not flattering to your audience. If you edit your own videos, you’ll also see that it’s hard to edit out mistakes because words will get cut off or force you to keep parts that should have been edited out.

If you’re nervous, stop and take a breath. Those pauses will be edited out anyway. If you’re still nervous, just stop recording and do a dry run. Usually, if I’m nervous, it’s because I’m not prepared so I like to practice and be aware of myself. When I say practice, don’t just read through what you want to say. You have to practice like it’s real. If you practice at 50%, then the real performance will be 50%. Always practice at 100% so you’ll do it naturally at 100%.


02 And cut

Just like talking too fast, you need to take a break between thoughts. I have a client who goes from one thought to another without pausing. When you keep plowing through your thoughts, you’re bound to make mistakes and get flustered. You might think that you’re doing a good job because you know your subject and you’re finishing your video quickly, but it doesn’t look good on camera.

It’s kind of like singing. Professional singers don’t just randomly take breaths during a song. If they did, they would destroy the rhythm of the song. Same thing for acting. You don’t see them taking random breaths during a scene. It would be distracting. Well, that’s exactly what happens when you plow through your words.

When you keep talking without pausing, you start randomly taking breaths, or worse, swallow because your mouth is dry, and keep going. When it comes to editing, it’s hard to edit out these random breaths and swallows if you keep talking without a break. Instead of being like the energizer bunny (do you remember him, he just keeps going and going), take a breath, regroup, and then finish your thoughts. It’s all about looking natural on camera.


Energizer bunny


03 Being too perfect

No one likes making mistakes. We all want to put our best face forward. No one wants to show their worst side, but in this case, do it. I’m here to edit them out. Even celebrities make mistakes. Do you think they can act out their character perfectly on screen? No, they get to have do-overs. That’s how we get to watch awesome bloopers.


Your main focus should be knowing your subject and being natural. Even though your audience will likely fall in love with you because they want to emulate you or you’re helping them with your content, they still want you to be human just like them. Read More “How to record better YouTube videos”

How to add a channel manager to your YouTube Channel

How to add a channel manager to your YouTube Channel

What’s a Channel Manager? Well, it’s someone that you add to your channel who manages your YouTube channel. This is a great option for Vloggers who want someone to do all the things for them on YouTube without giving them ‘Owner’ status. As a channel manager for my clients, I upload and schedule videos, add thumbnails, write in the description and tags, and add end cards to videos. All my client has to focus on is creating the content. Here’s how to add a channel manager to your YouTube channel.

How to add a channel manager to your YouTube channel

01 Login to your account.

02 Under your icon, in the top right, go to settings.


How to add a chaHow to add a channel manager to your YouTube Channel -Channel iconnnel manager to your YouTube ChannelHow to add a channel manager to your YouTube Channel - settings


03 You’ll automatically be in the account section, but just in case, go to account.


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04 Under account, go to the bottom of the page and click add or remove managers.


How to add a channel manager to your YouTube Channel - account


05 You should see a blue button labeled ‘Manage Permissions’. Read More “How to add a channel manager to your YouTube Channel”

How long should your YouTube video be?

How long should your YouTube video be?

How long should your YouTube video be? When you’re thinking about the length of your videos, you have a lot of factors to consider. Is it a live video or edited content? Are you a beginner or a veteran video blogger? Who’s your audience? Because of all these factors, the answer will be different for each person. That’s why this post is dedicated for entrepreneurs and vloggers who are just getting started on YouTube.

How long should your YouTube video be?

What does your audience want?

The number one thing to consider is your audience. Why is your audience watching you on YouTube? This may depend on your content, but if you don’t have an audience, you have to think about who you want to watch your videos.

You don’t want to build a list of random subscribers because that would be useless to you. If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re basically on YouTube to market and make money, so you should keep who your target audience is in mind. Everyone else who subscribes is a bonus or a future client because you never know.

Let’s say your target audience is entrepreneurs who are moms. They have busy lives because they’re balancing their business, their family, and their personal lives. If they’re going on YouTube, they’re searching for the shortest video that can help them. I’m the same. If I go on YouTube to search for something, I always choose the shortest video.

If you’re a beginner creating content, basically you should be asking ‘Does my target audience have time for this?’ If you don’t know, then research other YouTube videos  (competitors in your niche, because every genre is different) and see what they’re doing. While you’re researching, check how many subscribers they have. If it’s a big number, check how many videos they’ve created and then look through their middle videos because we all know the first videos we create are not great and with their newer videos, they can get away with creating longer content if they have a huge following of loyal fans.


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Why you should create a script for your YouTube videos

Why you should create a script for your YouTube videos

Should you create a script for your YouTube videos? The short answer is yes. The long answer is also yes. If you’re not creating scripts for your YouTube videos, then you’re not being efficient. If you think about it, every content has a script. TV shows, movies, news programs, interviews, radio shows and blog posts have scripts. This blog post has a script too. The script for this post is the outline I create before I start the rough draft.

I’m not telling you to write out a whole play. Just at least have an outline of what you’re going to talk about in your video. Here are the reasons why you should create a script for your YouTube video and how you’ll create awesome YouTube videos every time.

Why you should create a script for your YouTube videos

Saves time and energy

For me, this is the number 1 reason you should create a script for your YouTube video. You save so much time and energy. This is why I create an outline for everything I do. Whether that’s writing a blog or giving a presentation, I have one prepared in advance.

For a script, I would recommend having a template so that you can use it over and over again. We’ll go over this rinse and repeat method later because you’re not creating a template with the same exact words, unless you have some signature line you want to use over and over again, like ‘This is Paigon signing off with the Natasha Lane Design Co. daily report. Until the next time’. Cue cheesy wink and finger-pointing. That would be hella awesome!

When you create a template for your script, you’ll just create an outline of what you need for your video, but you’ll still have to think of new content every time.

Building a brand

When you create a script, you’re actually helping to form your brand (Ah, everything relates back to branding *wink wink*). By creating a script, especially if you have a template, you’re creating consistency in your video. Even though the content is different in every video, you’re still keeping elements of your video consistent.

When you create consistency within your script, your audience will know what to expect when you release your videos. It’s kind of like watching those Marvel superhero movies. First, something bad will happen, maybe a villain origin story or a revenge plot, then the superhero (a male lead) will be born or face some adversity to ‘supposedly’ become stronger, and then the superhero beats the villain.

*Warning, useless rambling that has nothing to do with the blog post* Can we take a moment to realize that all the superheroes are men and that the character, Black Widow, played by Scarlett Johansson is only a normal woman. If a normal woman can keep up with superheroes, then how awesome would a female superhero be. If I had my way though, I would create a female super villain character with awesome character development. Maybe like a female version of Lex Luthor.

*Getting back on track*

Every television show, live or scripted, follows a format, and we the viewers expect it. It’s part of the brand created for that show. As someone who’s creating video content consistently, you should treat your channel like a real television station. This alone will help you stand out from other channels who are creating random things and don’t have any type of format.

How to create a script for your YouTube videos

When you’re thinking about creating a script or template for your script, you need to keep it simple. All you have to do is think of the important aspects you want to add to every video. Don’t think about the actual content, but make sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. If you create content without a beginning, middle, and end, you still have content, but it’s probably bad content. Here’s what you need to know to create a script for your YouTube videos.


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5 tips to keep your brand consistent

5 tips to keep your brand consistent

If you’re reading this, you already have a brand or you’re ready to start thinking seriously about it. Having a brand is all about building recognition and attracting your audience. So how do you become recognizable? Simple, you just have to stay consistent. Consistency is the easiest way to get people to recognize you and keep you memorable. Here are the 5 tips to keep your brand consistent.

5 tips to keep your brand consistent

01. Writings on the wall

No matter if you’re creating YouTube videos, blogging, creating content for social media, or just a business in general, you’re going to have to use text. The first tip is to always use the same fonts. You shouldn’t have more than 3 fonts unless your business branches off and each item has its own brand.

Unless your branching out, no matter what you’re putting out into the world, use the same fonts. That means using the same fonts on your Instagram graphics, website, worksheets, workbooks, YouTube graphics, blog graphics, ads, billboards, and so on. If you keep doing this consistently, your audience should be able to recognize your business by your font.

Note: If you create content for online and print use, then you might have 4 to 6 fonts. One set for online use and another set for print. Those fonts are based on legibility.

02. Don’t be every color of the rainbow

Unless your brand colors are every color of the rainbow, use only your brand colors. Like with your fonts, use them consistently on your social media graphics, YouTube thumbnails and videos, blog graphics, website, and so on. No matter what you create, if your audience repeatedly sees your content, they should know who it is.

For example, if you create a YouTube thumbnail and you use the same colors and fonts, then your audience should automatically think, ‘Oh, so and so just released another video, I should watch it’, without even looking at the YouTube channel name.

03. Image is everything

Photo images are also a part of your brand. Make sure you create the same style of images. The best example is Instagram. You’ll notice that the best accounts create a consistent theme. Those themes can be based on mood, colors, lighting, and/or focus.

I think you can get a little more creative with Instagram, but whatever platform you’re using, if you’re using images for your brand, make sure to keep the style consistent.

Want to find out more about branding photos? Click here to read 3 types of photos you can use to brand your business. Read More “5 tips to keep your brand consistent”

5 reasons you need a rebrand

5 reasons you need a rebrand

Have you ever thought about rebranding your business? I know that I think about rebranding all the time, but I always have to hold myself back because I know I’m the type who always wants to try something new. It’s kind of like how I always have the urge to get bangs or dye my hair a different color. It seems cool at the moment, but I know it won’t fit my everyday style or mood. Instead of changing your brand on a whim, you should have a legitimate reason to rebrand. Here are the 5 reasons you need a rebrand.

5 reasons you need a rebrand

01. DIY and over it…

When you first launched your business, maybe you didn’t have the funds to invest in a graphic designer. Instead, you went the DIY route and didn’t really consider the types of people you were attracting. Any business was good business.

Now that you have a steady income and a good idea of who your target audience is. You’re not really proud of the brand you created and you’re ready to take your business to the next level. In this case, a rebrand is a great idea. With a rebrand, you’ll have a more polished brand that you and your target audience will be proud to be a part of.

02.  Not my type

Did the people you want to come to your party never show up? Basically, everyone but the people you wanted to show up are crashing the party. Well, the problem is you’re sending the wrong message with your brand. You attract what you reflect.

In this case, a rebrand will help you attract your target audience. During the rebrand, you can reassess what’s working and not working with your brand messaging.

03. Dine and dash

Are people coming to the party, but aren’t sticking around? It might be your brand. First impressions are everything and looks definitely matter. For one, you want to make sure you don’t look like spam. Another issue might be a confusing message.

Maybe you had sales in the beginning, but now their decreasing. You’ve tried changing up how you market your services and even changed your services, but nothing is working. It’s time to think about rebranding instead. Your brand may be sending the wrong message to your audience.

04. Trendsetter over here!

Is your brand outdated? When you first started, your brand was perfect for you, but now your business has evolved. Your brand doesn’t reflect what your business stands for any more or maybe you’re not feeling it anymore. Your target audience might’ve also evolved with your business.

A rebrand will help update your brand. You don’t necessarily need to change everything, but you can keep elements of your brand that are working but update everything that’s outdated. Read More “5 reasons you need a rebrand”

5 easy tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails

5 easy tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails

If you’re a business owner, you might think that creating captivating YouTube thumbnails is hard, but it’s actually really easy. All you have to do is think of thumbnails as book covers. The only difference is that on YouTube, you are judging a book by its cover. If you’re just starting off making YouTube videos, the thing that will get viewers to click on your videos (besides SEO), is your thumbnail. Here are 5 easy tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails.

5 tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails

If your video is showing up on searches, you want to be the video that viewers click on. If the title and content are the same, hopefully, your content matches the title, the best way to stand out is your thumbnail. As a beginner starting off on YouTube it’s important to focus on the design of your thumbnail. Let’s get started.

01 Put a face on it

It’s time to start posing because faces are the way to getting noticed. No, really. A thumbnail with your face on it is more likely to get clicked on than a thumbnail without a face. That’s probably why you see all those goofy and extreme facial expressions on YouTube thumbnails. Am I telling you to go that extreme? No, but if you’re making videos showing your face anyway, then you might as well put it on your thumbnail.

put a face on it


The easiest way to get your image is to make a still image from your video content. Sometimes this doesn’t always work, especially if you care about the way you look. I’m not going to lie, I definitely care about how I look, so when I’m editing videos, I try to pick a video that makes you look good. If you’re editing your own videos, there will be more times when you pause your video and you’re making an ugly face than a flattering one.

Because I know that image is important, I tell my clients to pose at the beginning of their video. Hit record and pose for 5 seconds, then do another pose, and another. It feels dumb, but you’ll have thumbnail choices that you won’t hate. If that’s too embarrassing or you want to have more control of your image, I have a client that takes selfies instead and gives those to me for her thumbnail options.

02 Text is everything


put text on your thumbnail


When you’re starting off with vlogging, having text on your thumbnails is really important. Why? Because no one will click on a video if they don’t know what it’s about. Here are some tips on creating the title for you YouTube thumbnail:

  1. Make sure the title is relevant to your YouTube video.
  2. Your thumbnail title doesn’t have to match the YouTube title.
  3. Try to make it short and catchy.  Most people are skimming thumbnails.
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When you make it to the big time, you won’t have to worry about it. That’s why you see big accounts sometimes don’t have text on their thumbnails because people already know who they are. Read More “5 easy tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails”

7 Video content ideas for businesses on YouTube to help grow their following

7 Video content ideas for businesses on YouTube to help grow their following

If you’re on YouTube, you’re trying to stand out with your content and attract your target audience and get them to subscribe to your channel. You know what’s not going to get subscribers? Boring how-to videos. I’m not saying to stop doing those videos. In fact, I think they’ll attract your audience. People go to YouTube to learn how to do things. BUT, if you want them to hit subscribe, then you have to think like a lifestyle vlogger. That’s why I created 7 video content ideas for businesses on YouTube to help grow their following.

Why think like a lifestyle vlogger? If you’ve ever been on YouTube, you’ll notice that these people are like celebrities.  Viewers watch their videos mainly because they can relate to them or want to become them. It’s rare that people will subscribe just to learn something. In fact, a lot of people love to binge watch videos when they go on YouTube. Who wants to binge-watch educational videos?

Basically, you have to build a connection with your audience. Your viewers have to form an attachment to you, and the best way is to think like a lifestyle vlogger. Below are 7 video content ideas to add personality to your channel.

7 video content ideas for businesses on YouTube

01.  Behind the Scenes or Inside look

You can do a behind the scenes look at your office or a process of your business. This is the number one reason why we stalk celebrities. We want to know their daily routine, how to be as successful as them, and just everything about their life.



Business video ideas:

  • Inside look at your morning routine
  • An inside look at how you stay productive
  • Behind the scenes of your work process
  • Inside look at how you plan your work day

02. Monthly favorites

If you’ve watched lifestyle videos, you’ll notice that there are quite a few ‘Monthly Favorites’ videos. These videos consist of products that vloggers loved that month. You can take this same concept and use it for your business. Also, if you’re an affiliate, this is an extra way to promote to your audience without being too salesy.


Monthly favorites


Video ideas:

  • Book reviews
  • Favorite tools that you’re using
  • Favorite product that you’re using in your business or that helps your business

Read More “7 Video content ideas for businesses on YouTube to help grow their following”

On Wednesdays We Go Rogue

On Wednesdays We Go Rogue

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I scrapped my old newsletter and decided to make a change. So now, On Wednesdays, we go rogue! What does that mean? Every Wednesday, I’m popping in your inbox to give you updates and tips that’ll help your business. Not only that, but the resource library is going to be a membership extension to the newsletter. It’ll be called Go Rogue Library. It’ll still house all your resources, but they will also be released in my emails so that you won’t have to keep signing up every time for an opt-in. 


On Wednesdays we wear black

What you can expect

On the road to domination

If you’re not learning then you’re not growing! In this section, I’ll shine a spotlight on the things that I’ve used to grow my business. This will be freebies, videos, products, courses, or tools that I’ve actually found useful for my business. Just think of this as professional development. You should be doing that at least once a week anyway.


Who run the world

There’s definitely rest for the wicked, the wickedly awesome that is…

The #1 thing I regret about starting my business journey, is that I was 100% about my business. So much so, that I’d get ill and had no time for the people around me. Most people start their own business because they think they’ll have time to do all the things they want, like hanging out with family and friends, having hobbies, traveling and so on. If you’re hustling 24/7, then you’re doing it wrong.  In this section, you’ll get a peek at what I’m doing on my downtime.


treat yourself


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Get weekly YouTube, branding, Wordpress, and business tips and VIP discounts and promotions delivered straight to your inbox along with access to the Go Rouge Library. 

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