This is an inside look at my Web Design process. I follow these steps in the Web Design package and it is the same process I use in the Brand x Web Design package. You can read more about the full Brand x Web Design process here.
An outline of my web design process
Onboarding Clients
As soon as the client pays the 30% deposit and signs the contract, they are guaranteed a spot in my schedule. Once guaranteed, I will send them an email with the homework. One of the homework assignments is to upload all the website content into Asana. You can read more about my client process here, and more about the client homework here.
1 week before the project begins
A week before the project starts, all the homework is due. I should have all the copy and images for the website and all the information about the client’s business from the questionnaire. If I have any questions about the homework or if the client has any questions about the project, we will schedule a Skype call to discuss those issues.
Day 1-3: Creative Brief and Wireframing
If the client DOESN’T have a logo and brand established:
They will need to create a secret Pinterest board and pin images that relate to their brand. Once I get the questionnaire and images, I will create a creative brief based on those homework assignments. Once the creative brief is approved, I will then start wireframing the website.
Note: The web design package doesn’t include a logo. In place of the logo, I will choose a free font to type of the business name.
If the client has a logo and brand established:
If the client already has a logo and brand established for their business, I will need the Brand Style Guide as a reference to start creating the creative brief. Once the client approves the creative brief, I will start wireframing the website.
Day 4-5: Creating the Prototype
Once the client chooses the wireframe that works best for their business, I will start creating a prototype of the homepage. After the prototype is approved, I will pick the WordPress theme that fits the design best.
Day 6-9: Web Design
After choosing the WordPress theme, I will start designing and customizing the theme to fit the prototype. Once I finish, the client sends a revision and I redesign the website to their specifications.
Day 10: Final Meeting
I will upload the website to the client’s host, and the client will schedule a 30 minute Skype call so that we can go over the website or so I can answer any other questions they have.
Launch Day!
On the day of the launch, I will release a blog post with the design process and share it on my social media.
Do you have any questions about my design process? If so, feel free to leave a comment or contact me.
-Paigon | Natasha Lane Design Co.