Are you a content creator without a brand? Branding is very important when it comes to creating videos. You might think building a brand is for big companies but it’s something that will help you as a content creator. Keep watching to find out why branding is important and why hiring a brand designer is worth it and not out of your budget.
Are you a content creator without a brand? Why a brand designer is worth it
While you’re watching you’re going to ask yourself 5 questions. The first question is:
01. Is there a gap between how you want your brand to look vs how it actually looks?
Does your brand look the way you want it to look? A lot of people come to me after trying to design their brand themselves. One client, I’m going to call her Tiffany because I don’t want to use real people’s names and brands. Tiffany came to me because she actually designed her own logo and picked her own colors.
We were in a group and she was asking for people’s opinions about what she created. The group told her it didn’t look professional or match her business. She wasn’t satisfied either, and that’s why she was trying to get advice from the group to see how she can make her brand look better.
Tiffany wasn’t excited about what she created. That’s why she turned to a professional. After she had hired me, she automatically started promoting her services because she was confident promoting her business now that she had a website and brand she loved.
02. Do you want to offer premium prices?
The 2nd question you should ask yourself as a content creator is do you want to offer premium prices? Whether you’re raising your prices or trying to become a luxury brand, branding is important.
Using the client Tiffany I mentioned before, she knew her DIY brand did not match the prices she was offering her clients. She wasn’t a luxury brand, her services were more like coaching except she didn’t offer a one-time package. Her service was an hourly rate and it was a service that could last a long time probably more than five years.
She needed a brand that fit her pricing and her services since it is a long-term service. Tiffany’s goal was to have a professional, polished, educational feel to her brand and that’s why she hired a professional in the end. She knew the brand she created did not match the prices she was offering.
03. Are you wasting time and energy DIYing it?
The 3rd question you want to ask yourself as a content creator is are you wasting time and energy DIYing your brand? Are you wasting your time doing everything yourself instead of focusing on doing client projects, creating content, and other things in your business that make you money?
Like I said before, most of my clients come to me after DIYing their brand. They could have had more client work or work on content or even hung out with their family and friends. But they were wasting that time doing everything themselves: building their website, creating logos, choosing colors, and so on.
In the end, they still weren’t happy. A brand designer can simplify a lot of tasks for you. They don’t only create logos, pick colors, fonts, and design brand elements. They can also create collateral items for your business.
If you’re a content creator who’s always creating things for YouTube, Instagram, blog posts, and so on, then things can be simplified with a template. I know I’ve created YouTube thumbnail templates, blog templates. worksheets, workbooks, and more. There’s a lot of things brand designers can create to help you save time and energy in the long run when it comes to creating content for your business.
I created a brand for a friend. She wanted to get started designing her brand because she was selling products and needed to get an idea of how the packaging would look for her products. But she didn’t want to spend money on her website because she thought it was cheap and easy to make. So she ended up doing it herself and in the end, she hired somebody from Fiverr to create her website. Unfortunately, she still didn’t like her website because you know, you get what you pay for. Fiverr is really cheap. I’m sure she only paid like $20 for a website and that’s what she got. And even now she still doesn’t have a website and it’s been about a year since I helped her.
If you haven’t thought about branding but want to discover your brand style, then check out The Ultimate Roadmap to Discover Your Brand Style. This roadmap comes as a follow-along email course that’ll help you discover your brand style.

Did you DIY your brand? Let me know in the comments down below.
04. Do you want to stand out from your competitors?
The 4th question you want to ask as a content creator is do you want to stand out from your competitors? Last week, I talked about why building your brand is just as important as creating videos. In that video, I talked about why branding was important for creating content and standing out from your competitors. If you want to know how to stand out from your competitors, content-wise, then you can check out that video. In this video/post, I’m going to focus more on the branding aspect.
If you feel like you have a lot of competitors, then branding will help you stand out from them, even if you’re selling the same services and products (as your competitors). Branding will help you differentiate yourself from your competitors. For example, let’s talk about coaching. All business coaches are the same. They’re selling the same service, they’re helping you organize your business, grow your business, and change your mindset. Their goal is to help you grow your business.
Because of branding, it seems like every coach is different. You have coaches that like to wear suits and are more polished. Then you have coaches that act like they’re your BFFs, and then there are other coaches that are like hippies and they do tarot card readings. But they’re all essentially doing the same thing, helping you grow your business. But because of the way they brand themselves, they attract different types of clients and that’s how they stand out from each other with their brand, even though they’re selling the same thing.
05. Does your brand NOT resonate with your dream audience?
The 5th question you want to ask yourself as a content creator is does your brand not resonate with your dream clients? Do you create content to attract a certain type of audience, but aren’t attracting them? The problem might be your brand. You might be thinking, ‘but I don’t have a brand’. The first impression we have as humans is based on visuals. Everybody judges by looks first. That’s life. This is why you have to dress up for interviews. You’re going to be judged by what you wear and then how you prepared for the interview. The same thing for your brand.
Your first impression matters. The way you look, the way you talk, everything that you do, the environment that you’re in, that’s all a part of your brand. So if you don’t have a brand, it doesn’t matter because you’re still being judged by how you look, how you talk, what you say, and so on. This is why branding is important.
If you want to offer premium prices, you’re not going to film and take pictures in a room that’s messy and post it on YouTube and Instagram. You want to clean up your environment first. I’m not saying you need luxury items and you need to wear Chanel and Louis Vuitton purses or whatever, but at least clean up a little.
If you’re not offering premium prices, then it doesn’t matter. But if you are, you do need to look a little bit more polished. I’m not saying you need to dress up in suits or anything like that, but you don’t want to look like a bum because it doesn’t really align with the idea of having higher prices, it doesn’t look like you’re worth it.
Basically, I don’t want to go to a coach who says they can help me make 6 figures, but they look like a homeless person. I wouldn’t think that they could help me grow my business to 6 figures when they look like they’re homeless. So think about that whenever you’re creating content and thinking about your brand, how you want to style yourself, and the tone of voice you want to have. Make sure they align with the prices that you’re offering.
Summary of Are you a content creator without a brand? Why a brand designer is worth it
That’s it. If you answered ‘YES’ to any of these 5 questions, then a brand designer is totally worth it. Again, those questions were:
01. Is there a gap between how you want your brand to look vs how it actually looks?
02. Do you want to offer premium prices?
03. Are you wasting time and energy DIYing it?
04. Do you want to stand out from your competitors?
05. Does your brand NOT resonate with your dream audience?
If you liked this video and want more videos on branding and video creation, then hit subscribe. Don’t forget to grab your roadmap and get started discovering your brand style.

Did you DIY your brand?