Choose the right video dimensions for video content

Choose the right video dimensions for video content

Confused by 1080p, 720p, 4k, 5k, and so on? Choose the right video dimensions for video content. Whether you’re making videos for social media like YouTube, IGTV, Instagram, Instagram Stories, Facebook or creating a webinar or summit, check out this video to film in the perfect dimensions for the platform that you’re using.

Are you filming videos for social media? Don’t know what dimensions to film your videos in? In this super short video, I’m going to show you which video dimension to choose when filming your videos. Whether you film social media videos for YouTube, IGTV, Instagram, Instagram Stories, Facebook or create webinar videos or summit videos, keep watching to find the perfect dimensions for your platform.

Choose the right video dimensions for video content

I was editing videos for a summit and each speaker filmed their own videos and turned them in. I was so shocked at the different dimensions that people chose to film their videos in.

Video dimensions are important because it could potentially make your videos look crappy. For example, the ideal YouTube video dimension is 1080p, which is 1920 x 1080. You can even get away with 720p (1280 x 720).

If you film your video at 360p (640 x 360) and try to blow it up to 720 or 1080, then your video will look pixelated. It’s the same as when you blow up photograph.

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Learn how to record your computer screen using Loom.

In one of my previous videos, I listed the 3 free tools you can use to record your computer screen. Loom was one of them. 

As I mentioned in the previous video, Loom is great because you don’t have to download it. It’s actually web-based. You use a chrome extension to use it. It’s perfect for sending quick videos to clients or to team members explaining how to do things. I’ve seen some people answer questions in facebook groups using it too. 


First, go to In the right-hand corner, you see the blue button that says ‘sign up for free’. You need either a Google account or Slack account to use it.

I use my Natasha Lane Design Co account which I use through Google Suite. You can log in through Google, but it’s all through your domain name. Click here to find out more about Google Suite (this is an affiliate link).

Start recording

To record videos, you have to have the Chrome extension. Once you click the Loom icon on your Chrome bar, you’ll see the record tab on the right-hand side of the screen. You have the option to record the screen + camera, the screen only, and the camera only. We’re going to choose the screen only and hit the ‘Start Recording’ button.

Video editing made easy

Video editing made easy

Do you hate video editing? Does it take up too much of your time? Well here’s a quick and easy way to edit videos for your business. Basically, video editing made easy.

The #1 reason my clients come to me to edit their videos is because they HATE video editing. It takes up too much of their time and energy that they could have put towards other business projects.

In this week’s video, I’m going to show you a quick and easy way to edit videos for your business. Basically, video editing made easy and less time-consuming.

Video editing made easy

It’s all in the Filming

It all starts during the filming process. If you watched the video on how to have quicker video shoots, then you know you need to film in sections.

If you didn’t catch that video, then watch it here.  It should be in the cards in this video, which is in the upper right-hand side, the icon that looks like a lowercase ‘i’.

Filming in sections will also help make video editing easier. Instead of editing one long video, it’s faster to edit sections.

Another thing to do while filming is to clap every time you make mistakes. If you see a big spike on the sound wave from where you clapped or if you see the clap, you know to disregard this section and go on to the next. This saves so much time in editing because you can just fast forward past the mistakes instead of wasting time watching each mistake.

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Fix these mistakes with video editing

Fix these mistakes with video editing

Do you make a lot of mistakes on camera or want to create a more polished feel to your videos? Fix these mistakes with video editing. Here are 5 things you can fix with video editing.

If it wasn’t for video editing, my videos would probably suck. I’m awkward on video and make a lot of mistakes, I have a quiet voice, and I’m not too keen on my background situation. 

Fix these mistakes with video editing

If you’re having trouble being confident on camera, video editing can be a big help. I’m not going to lie and say video editing is the key to solving all your problems because, to be honest, it can’t fix everything. BUT, if you’re looking to create a more polished, professional video, then video editing is a solution. Here are 5 things you can fix with video editing.

01 Color Correction

First, let’s start with color correction. One of the first things you should do when you’re editing your videos is to fix the color. To make it simple, we’re just going to focus on white balance.

You’re going to make sure that the whites in your video are white and the blacks are black. Sometimes when we’re filming, depending on our lighting and environment, the color looks different. 

For example, sometimes when you’re filming there might be like a yellowish hue or the video might be too oversaturated. Those are the most common problems when it comes to filming.

Luckily, most editing software makes it easy to color correct footage. Here, I’m using Adobe Premiere Pro, and if you go to the Lumetri Scopes, you’ll see the white balance eyedropper. You just use that dropper on the white area of your footage and it’ll correct the footage color automatically.

Here’s a tip, when you first start filming you can hold up something white (like white poster board) and then you can use the eyedropper on that when you edit your videos.

02 Color grading

People sometimes confuse color correction and color grading. You should always color correct your footage, but color grading is an option.

Color grading basically sets the mood for your videos. For example, horror movies always have a darker setting to make it look spooky and creepy.

So what can color grading do for your business? It adds to your branding. You almost forgot that I’m also a brand designer, huh? 

It can help add a cheery mood, a chic mood, a bohemian mood and so on. One of my favorite YouTubers to watch is Carly Cristman. If you watch her YouTube videos, browse through her thumbnails, and check out her Instagram, you see that everything is desaturated. I think she even made a joke that she hates color. This desaturated look is a part of her brand and definitely makes her stand out against her competitors.

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How to film your videos faster

How to film your videos faster

Does it feel like it takes too much time to film your videos? Learn how to film your videos faster.

Does it feel like it takes too long to film your videos? Do you want to be able to film multiple videos or have batch days for filming so you can save time and focus on your business?

Well, this week, I’m going to show you how to have quicker video shoots.

When I first started creating videos, it was so nerve-racking. I hated (and still hate) being on camera so filming was a big issue for me.

The longer I filmed or the more I messed up my lines, the more I wanted to stop creating videos. In fact, there was a time, I think a month, where I just gave up since I didn’t have the time, but now I’ve found a way to create quicker video shoots, and the secret is in planning.

How to film your videos faster

Be prepared

The first thing you need is a script. You have to know what you’re going to talk about right?! Well, I always have a script. It doesn’t have to be a full script. You just need an outline so you stay on topic.

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How to record your computer screen using Zoom

How to record your computer screen using Zoom

Don’t have a Mac and need a free option to record your computer screen? Learn how to record your computer screen using Zoom. It’s not just for meetings.

A few weeks ago, I showed you how to use QuickTime to record your computer screen. Well, not everyone owns a Mac, so this week I’m going to show you how to use Zoom.

Zoom is one of my favorite apps to use for meetings. I use it for all my discovery calls and coffee chats. I used to use Skype, but I had problems when my clients using it on their phone.

So, let’s get into it.

How to record your computer screen using Zoom

The first thing you have to do is download Zoom. It’s free, but you need to have the application to use it.

You can go to

You’ll see the ‘Sign up, it’s free’ button.

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The simple way I film my videos featured image

The simple way I film my videos

Looking for a simple, lazy way to film your videos? I have the solution for you. I’m all about keeping things simple and convenient. I know that one of my biggest reasons for not filming is because I don’t have time. Saving time and convenience are a big win for any business owner.

The simple way I film my videos

In this week’s video, I’m going to show you the simple way I film my YouTube videos with a webcam. Well, I usually film all my videos with a webcam or my phone, even though I own a Canon (7D).

The reason I don’t use my Canon, is because I have to set it up. It’s not like I’m filming a movie, it’s just videos for YouTube, so I just use my webcam.

This webcam is made by Logitech.

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YouTube Lighting setup for beginners

YouTube Lighting setup for beginners

Don’t know anything about lighting when it comes to filming your videos? Here’s an easy youtube lighting setup for beginners.

Lighting is important when it comes to filming your videos. Light can make your videos look more polished or more high quality. Bad lighting will destroy the quality of your footage.

I thought long and hard about what type of lighting setup I would focus on, and I decided to make this video on the lazy/cheap way to get the best lighting. Basically, I’m going to show you what I use for lighting.

You’ve heard of 3 point lighting, right? I’m not going to do that here. It’s time-consuming and I don’t have an official studio. So those lights are hidden away downstairs in a closet.

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Make time to create videos with batch days

Make time to create videos with batch days

Want to start creating videos, but don’t have the time? Make time to create videos when you have a crazy schedule by implementing batch days.

Don’t have time to create videos? This excuse used to hold me back all the time. Well, if you want to create videos, but have a crazy busy schedule, then I have a great solution for you! And that’s batch days.

What are batch days?

It’s basically days when you group similar tasks together so you’ll get things done faster and more efficiently.

Well, how do you implement that into videos?

Make time to create videos with batch days


The #1 way I use batch days is for planning.

Every Friday, I batch my writing tasks. For example, when it comes to videos, I will choose 2 to 4 topics and create a script on them.

That means that if I wrote 4 scripts, then I can film them whenever I’m ready.

Need content ideas? Check out 3 simple ways to brainstorm video content ideas.

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How to record your computer screen using Quicktime

How to record your computer screen using Quicktime

Want a free solution to record your computer screen? Learn how to record your computer screen using Quicktime.

A few weeks ago, I went over the 3 free tools you could use to record your computer screen. Now I’m going to show you how to use my favorite tool, Quicktime.

I actually use Quicktime to record all my videos because I film using a webcam since it’s the most convenient set up for me. I’ll try to create a video on this in the future.

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