Are you crazy busy running your business? Here are 7 ways you can repurpose your YouTube videos to create other content and promote your channel.
As a business owner, you feel like you have to show up everywhere on online. YouTube, your newsletter, your blog, Instagram, Instagram stories, Facebook, Twitter, and so on.
The truth is, it’s hard to create content for all these platforms. That’s why I’m going to show you 7 ways to repurpose your YouTube videos.
Honestly, the #1 reason I switched from blogging to creating YouTube videos is because I could repurpose my videos. Yep, laziness efficiency.
I have so much going on that I don’t have time to be everywhere, but creating videos helps.
7 ways to repurpose your YouTube videos
01 Instagram
Even though I’m on almost every platform, Instagram is probably the social media that I use the most.
I love interacting with people there. It’s also a great way to repurpose your YouTube videos.
#1 you can cut a clip of your video and upload it to your feed to promote your video. I think this is a smart way to promote your videos.
#2 you can just repurpose your YouTube thumbnail image and add it to your feed. I actually don’t like this option because I like to have a pretty Instagram feed.
Check out my Instagram feed here!
I actually like to take the still image of myself that I use from my thumbnail because I need to add more of myself on my feed.
No matter what choice you pick, you can summarize what your YouTube video is about and add it to your Instagram caption.
02 Facebook
Facebook is another platform you can use to repurpose your videos. It’s my second favorite platform to be on because it’s easier to interact with other businesses.
You can upload your video to facebook or your can create a post summarizing your video and link the video.
03 IG TV
#3 IG TV. You can repurpose your videos to IG TV. You just have to reformat the video dimensions and upload the video. The video should be in portrait or 1080px by 1920px.
I have a client that actually repurposes her videos exactly as is to YouTube, Facebook, and IG TV. You can check out her portfolio here.
I don’t have anything on my IG TV, but maybe I’ll upload this video and a couple others to test it out after I film this video.
Mwahaha, I’ll link my first IG TV video below. *Yes, that was my villainous laugh*
04 Instagram Stories
You can repurpose your video by editing 15 second clips and adding them to your Instagram Stories.
I like to film a summary of what the video is about and repurpose my YouTube thumbnail.
05 Blog Post
Blogging is my favorite way to repurpose my YouTube videos. I started off blogging so I didn’t want to give it up.
Also, this is great for SEO. You can kill 2 birds with one stone by getting your video transcribed. The transcription can be used as a caption for your videos, which is great for SEO and for the hearing impaired.
You can also use the transcription for your blog post, which is also great for SEO. Plus, if something ever happens to YouTube and you lose all your videos, *knock on wood*, then you’ll still have your blog up on the website that you own.
06 Newsletter
You can repurpose your videos to your newsletter. You can write relevant content that relates to your video and then add a link to your video.
07 Course
There’s so many other places to repurpose your YouTube video, like Twitter, LinkedIn, and maybe even a podcast, but the last way I’m going to mention is using it in a course.
I’ve seen other businesses do this, and I think it’s so smart. They use their videos as a extra resource in their course if there’s extra information you need to know and they already created the content before.
I think it’s a great way to show your expertise in a subject, and a convenient way to get people to watch your videos.
Okay, those were the 7 ways you can repurpose your videos. Let me know in the comments if you repurpose your YouTube videos?
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