A beginner’s guide to creating videos without being overwhelmed (2)

Do you think it takes a lot of work to create videos for your business? Well, you can actually make it work for you. In this video, I’m going to give you a beginner’s guide to creating videos without being overwhelmed. I, too, used to hold back on creating videos because I didn’t have any time to fit it in my schedule, but look at me now.

If you’re not sure whether you should create videos for your business because you’re already crazy busy doing other things for your business and you can’t fit it in right now, then keep watching to find out how you can make time for creating videos and you can do it all without being overwhelmed.

 A beginner’s guide to creating videos without being overwhelmed

01. Find time in your busy schedule

The first thing you have to do to create videos without being overwhelmed is to find time in your schedule to see if you can create videos. Do you have extra time during the week? If you can’t find time, are you watching K-dramas and reading mangas online? Like I am. 

Are you doing unproductive things that have nothing to do with self-care? Self-care is important so I don’t want you to include that time. But the time you’re watching K-dramas, reading mangas, playing video games, or stalking celebrities for 3, 4, or 5 hours could be used to create videos. Do you have time to create videos instead of doing that? 

If you can’t find time, can you substitute time? The time I use to create videos is actually the time that I was using to create blog posts. I used to write all my blog posts from scratch, but now I repurpose my YouTube videos into blog posts. Do you have something like that in your schedule that you can substitute for creating videos? 

After calculating all the time you have, did you come up with 2-3 hours? Because if you have 2-3 hours a week, you can actually create one video a week. That’s enough time. If you found 2-3 hours, then congratulations! You have time to create videos.

02. Create a goal

The 2nd thing you have to do to create videos without being overwhelmed is to create a goal. Why do you want to create videos for your business? Do you want to become an authority in your niche? What about building a library of videos for your clients? Do you want to build your brand? How about building a community? Do you want to build your brand so you can raise your prices? Do you want to get more visible online? 

All these goals have different outcomes and different tasks you’ll have to complete to achieve those goals. Someone who just wants to build a library of resources for their clients will have fewer tasks than someone who wants to become a YouTube celebrity. 

Make sure you choose a goal. If all of these are your goals then start small. Every time you create videos, you’re actually going to make progress. As you get better, creating videos will become faster and easier for you. When that happens, you can start thinking about updating your tasks and achieving all your goals. 

03. Make a plan

Now that you have a goal, the 3rd thing you have to do to create videos without being overwhelmed is to create a plan. I want you to sit down and write down everything that you need to do to achieve your goal. 

Like I said before, someone who is just building a library of videos for their clients and someone who’s trying to market and sell their services will have a completely different task list than somebody who’s trying to build or grow a million followers on their YouTube channel. For someone who just wants to market their services, they just need to create topics that will help their clients, then they just need to think about creating a script, filming the video, editing out bloopers, and then uploading the video. 

But for someone who is trying to grow their channel, they need to brainstorm topics that will be helpful to their audience. But then they need to research keywords so they can get found on Youtube, then they need to write a script, edit the video, design a thumbnail, and optimize the video before and after it’s uploaded. They also need to promote their video. See how those are totally different tasks for two different goals?

Have you already found time to create videos for your business? Then grab my YouTube script template. It’ll help you stay on brand and format your videos. 

Grab your YouTube Script Templat

Has this inspired you to find time to create videos? Let me know in the comments below.

04. Complete tasks faster with batch days

I’m sure that you found time to create one video a week for 2 to 3 hours a week. But what if you could create 2 to 4 videos a week and get ahead on your videos? The 4th thing you have to do to create videos without being overwhelmed is to have batch days.  

If you don’t know what batch days are, it’s doing similar tasks together so you can work smarter, not harder. When you put similar tasks together, it actually helps you work less. For example, whenever you’re writing a script and filming a video, you have to stop and get into the zone to do two different tasks. But what if you had a writing day and you just kept writing 4 scripts one day. It’ll probably take you about an hour or 2 to create 2-4 scripts. As you write, each script is faster to write because you’re already in the zone. You don’t have to switch gears and adjust to a different task.

That’s what you’re using batch days for, in this aspect, you’re using it for filming. Instead of creating a different topic every week, what if you sat down for an hour and put on a timer, and came up with 100 topics? If you brainstorm 100 topics, that’s more than enough videos for a whole year. 

If you’re already writing things like blog posts, Instagram captions, or newsletters, you can just add scriptwriting to those tasks to have a writing day. Depending on how long your videos are you could film 2 -4 videos in 3 hours. Creating batch days will help you create more videos in less time.

05. The K.I.S.S. (Keep it super simple) method

The last thing you have to do to create videos without being overwhelmed is to keep it super simple. This is probably the most important thing you need to remember to create videos without them being overwhelming. Don’t overthink and use what you have. 

Do you know that I have a backdrop with different background options, a cannon, blogging kits, lighting kits, and different editing software? I have so many things to use to create videos. But do you know what I use? I use window lighting, my phone, and a lavalier mic. I use what I have. 

Basically, I use small things I don’t have to set up and take apart. Why? Because I’m lazy. If I had to set up all that equipment then I would never create videos. So if you’re trying to save time, just use what you have. Keep everything simple. You don’t need fancy video editing, you don’t need fancy lighting, you don’t need all the extra equipment. You just need to use what you have. Just do whatever it is that will make everything easier for you. 


Okay, those were the 5 ways you can get started creating videos without being overwhelmed. You can start by finding time in your busy schedule, creating a goal, making a plan, adding batch days to your schedule, and keeping everything simple.

If you’re ready to get started creating videos for your brand, then grab my YouTube script template. Next week, I’m going over 7 misconceptions about starting a YouTube channel.

Grab your YouTube Script Templat

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