Why A High Quality Logo Design Costs More

When most people think about a designer, they think that we create pretty graphics. That or they don’t understand what our job is. If you thought that the role of a graphic designer is to create pretty graphics, then you’re wrong. A designer actually plays different roles and that’s why a high quality logo design costs more than $100.

The real reason why a high quality logo design costs more

No matter what type of designer you are, you are wearing a lot of hats.  3 of those main hats are: problem solver, strategist, and creator.

Problem solver

You need a logo for your company, but you’re not going to take just any logo right? Well, I hope not. I would hope that your logo was created to represent your business and resonate with your target audience. That’s where a graphic designer comes in.


I'm a better detective.


The first thing I do when I book a client is to send them homework. What’s the point of the homework? This is one of the ways I conduct research. Yes, before our first meeting, I research everything I can about your industry and target audience.

Then, by the time we have our first meeting, I already have your creative brief and mood board ready for your approval. The creative brief makes sure that we’re on the same page about your brand. The mood board is the guideline for inspiration for when I start designing the logo or any design project.

Click here to read more about the homework process.


Now it’s time to create a strategy. Once I research your business and your audience, it’s time to think about the end goal. Depending on the project, the end goal is different. For a logo, the goal is to create something that resonates with both the brand and the target audience.

So what does the audience want? Well, it’s my job to research that. Every answer would be different depending on the business. When I do find the answer, it’s time to start brainstorming.




During the brainstorming session, I list out as many ideas as I can that represent the business. Basically, it’s like creating a mind map of all the possible directions that the brand could go in. Once I’m done with that, it’s time to create.


Now it’s time to sketch out all my designs. I try to create at least 25 different logo designs. This forces me to think of enough ideas before officially making a commitment.




I narrow those 25 to 3. The big 3 are the ones I think best fit the creative brief and mood board that was already approved. Once I pick my 3, I officially start designing them in Illustrator. Then, I send those logo design concepts to my client.

Once the client reviews the logo concepts, they will send their feedback. After I review the feedback, I make revisions. If a second round of revisions is necessary, I prefer to set up a meeting to discuss them so that I have an exact idea of what is wrong. Once the second revision is complete, the logo design process is complete.

Click here to get an inside look at my design process.

Add it all up

Hours for research

Now it’s time to add up all the hours it took to create the logo. For my package, I’m researching before the project even begins. I go through the client questionnaire and review the answers that the client input into the questionnaire. I’m answering questions that the client has and helping the client pin images to their Pinterest board to give them ideas. In some cases, I’m the one pinning everything.

After the client finishes the homework, I start creating the creative brief and mood board. Then, the client and I go over the creative brief and mood board during our first meeting. I also answer any questions or concerns the client has. If there are any problems with the mood board, then I have to revise it and get the clients OK.

Let’s say that during this phase of the project, it takes about 6 hours of work.

Hours for brainstorming, sketching, logo concept, etc.

Once the research phase is over, I start the process of creating the logo. Not only am I brainstorming, sketching, and creating the logo, but I’m also doing revisions and communicating with the client.

During this process, I estimate that it takes about 10 hours of work.

Doing the math


Doing math


The hourly rate for a beginner designer is about $20. I’m talking no experience as a designer yet.

$20 x 16 hrs = $320.  

This is the logo design alone and no other service. This is exactly how I price my service package. I time out how long it will take me to do everything and then I multiply it by my hourly wage.

Just like any other profession, I also get a raise once I become more proficient at my job. That’s why you see other designers charging $7000 for their packages. In my own opinion, I’m not ready for that, but I’m not a beginner either. I want to say I’m at a nice range even though some people think I should charge more.

Is this too expensive?

When you think about the 3 main hats that designers wear: problem solver, strategist, and creator; how much do you think they should make? For a beginner, I think $20 is fair and for someone who has 5 years of experience, I think more is fair. I don’t care which profession you work for, no one wants to be underpaid.


Breaking a piggy back


The real question you should ask when making a decision about buying a logo is do you only want a pretty logo or a logo that is specifically catered to your business needs?

I don’t have time for this

You don’t have time to read this blog post? Well here’s the summary.


I'm too busy

The real reason why a high quality logo design costs more

01. A designer wears 3 hats:

  • Problem Solver
  • Strategist
  • Creator

02. It takes time to research, brainstorm, sketch, design and go through revisions for a client.

03. When you add up those hours and multiply it by the designer’s hourly wage, it equals more than $200.

What are your thoughts on hiring a professional? Would you rather have it now on the cheap or save up for the professional? Not just with logo design, but any product or service. Let me know in the comments below.

-Paigon | Natasha Lane Design Co.

Why A High Quality Logo Design Costs More Why A High Quality Logo Design Costs More Why A High Quality Logo Design Costs More

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