Why I use WordPress to design client websites

Why I use WordPress to design client websites

I notice that some people who design websites, don’t really know how to create websites, but focus on choosing a theme from Squarespace or WordPress. I don’t personally have a problem with this because they are actually offering a service. They are designing a website for clients. People put all this emphasis on not being able to develop a website when there are some developers who have no design ability. You need a good design to attract clients. 

Well, I actually have a background creating websites and I’m a designer. I was in the Front End Development program at San Diego Continuing Education (but I didn’t get to finish the last few weeks because I had to move back to Houston). To me, creating websites from scratch using HTML and CSS is fun and easy. Even though I love creating websites from scratch, here’s why I use WordPress to design client websites.

Sidenote: If you live in San Diego, CA., and want to take classes for FREE, check out their website here. I loved the IMCP program (Interactive Media Certificate Program, I think they changed the name) and the Front End Web Development program (FEWD). If you can’t take part in their certificate programs because they are too long (the IMCP program is 9 months long and 25 hours a week), they also have short classes too. I’ve taken WordPress classes, classes on Social Media, Typography, and so on. Almost everything is free, so take advantage of the classes! I wish they offered free schools in Texas.

Reasons why I use WordPress to design client websites:

01. It’s convenient for small businesses.

As a small business, you don’t have time to worry about learning HTML and CSS, so what do you do if you need to create a web page or blog post? After I design the website and upload it to the host, everything is up to the client (unless they pay a retainer fee, then I maintain everything for them). WordPress makes it easy to create a new page and blog post. No coding necessary.

Is Natasha Lane Design Co. a WordPress site?

Even if you know how to code a web page, creating one from scratch every time you need a new page is a hassle. Did you know that Natasha Lane Design Co. was originally made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript? I made Natasha Lane myself and I routed the blog to my WordPress blog. Read More “Why I use WordPress to design client websites”

Branding and expanding your multimedia empire
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Branding and expanding your multimedia empire

In part 1 of How to build your multimedia empire, I talked about fear, how to get over fear, content ideas, and outlining ideas. If you missed it, check it out here. In this post, I’ll be going over branding and expanding your multimedia empire.

Branding and expanding your multimedia empire

Once you make the leap into creating video content, you want to focus on your brand. Your brand consists of everything from your image, scenery, voice, and so on. You want to make sure that you’re projecting the image you want to create. Read More “Branding and expanding your multimedia empire”

build your multimedia empire
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How to build your multimedia empire : Part 1: Getting over obstacles and making your mark

Congrats! You already took the first step into creating your multimedia empire and that is seriously considering it. I don’t want to waste your time, so this post is geared to those who already have evergreen content (newsletters, blogs, etc.) or videos (YouTube, webinars, workshops, and live video tutorials) that they want to use to start building/expanding their audience. Here’s how to build your multimedia empire. Read More “How to build your multimedia empire : Part 1: Getting over obstacles and making your mark”

Creating a blog post in WordPress

Creating a blog post in WordPress

The first thing to know about getting started with WordPress is creating a blog post. Blogging is the first thing that comes to mind when people think of WordPress. Even if you’re not a blogger it’s a good feature to know for the future, especially if you’re selling products or services. Not only that, but creating a blog post in WordPress is easy. Read More “Creating a blog post in WordPress”

How to stay productive
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How to stay productive

When you’re working alone, or even if you have a partner, staying on top of your work is important. I have so many things that I want to do, but so little time. So how do I stay productive and on top of all my work? Keep reading for my tips.

How to stay productive, my life upside down

When I first started, I used a lot of tools to keep up with my business. My top tools included Trello, Any.do, Google Keep, Asana, and a physical planner. I used all these tools in different ways. I used Trello to keep up with my blog posts, services, and newsletter. I used Google Keep for notes and writing down my ideas.

Before I started my business, I was already using Any.do to keep up with my personal tasks along with my school tasks, so I started adding my business tasks too. I used Asana for services and expanded to blog posts, and I also wrote everything down in my planner. Read More “How to stay productive”

Brand x Web Design for Hue x Blush

Brand x Web Design for Hue x Blush

*Hue x Blush is a fictitious company for my portfolio.


Hue x Blush is focused on beauty and fashion. They began as one lifestyle blogger and expanded into a company that shares articles and videos on women’s needs.

Target Audience

This site caters to women 16 to 45. They give advice on fashion, beauty, fitness, career, and health. Their target audience loves to read Shape, Marie Claire and they love to watch shows like The Mindy Project and Ugly Betty.

Inspiration Board

Here are the images that inspired the brand for Hue x Blush.

Brand x Web Design for Hue x Blush moodboard

Read More “Brand x Web Design for Hue x Blush”