Don’t know anything about lighting when it comes to filming your videos? Here’s an easy youtube lighting setup for beginners.
Lighting is important when it comes to filming your videos. Light can make your videos look more polished or more high quality. Bad lighting will destroy the quality of your footage.
I thought long and hard about what type of lighting setup I would focus on, and I decided to make this video on the lazy/cheap way to get the best lighting. Basically, I’m going to show you what I use for lighting.
You’ve heard of 3 point lighting, right? I’m not going to do that here. It’s time-consuming and I don’t have an official studio. So those lights are hidden away downstairs in a closet.
Want to start creating videos, but don’t have the time? Make time to create videos when you have a crazy schedule by implementing batch days.
Don’t have time to create videos? This excuse used to hold me back all the time. Well, if you want to create videos, but have a crazy busy schedule, then I have a great solution for you! And that’s batch days.
What are batch days?
It’s basically days when you group similar tasks together so you’ll get things done faster and more efficiently.
Well, how do you implement that into videos?
Make time to create videos with batch days
The #1 way I use batch days is for planning.
Every Friday, I batch my writing tasks. For example, when it comes to videos, I will choose 2 to 4 topics and create a script on them.
That means that if I wrote 4 scripts, then I can film them whenever I’m ready.
I actually use Quicktime to record all my videos because I film using a webcam since it’s the most convenient set up for me. I’ll try to create a video on this in the future.
Are you crazy busy running your business? Here are 7 ways you can repurpose your YouTube videos to create other content and promote your channel.
As a business owner, you feel like you have to show up everywhere on online. YouTube, your newsletter, your blog, Instagram, Instagram stories, Facebook, Twitter, and so on.
The truth is, it’s hard to create content for all these platforms. That’s why I’m going to show you 7 ways to repurpose your YouTube videos.
Honestly, the #1 reason I switched from blogging to creating YouTube videos is because I could repurpose my videos. Yep, laziness efficiency.
I have so much going on that I don’t have time to be everywhere, but creating videos helps.
7 ways to repurpose your YouTube videos
01 Instagram
Even though I’m on almost every platform, Instagram is probably the social media that I use the most.
I love interacting with people there. It’s also a great way to repurpose your YouTube videos.
#1 you can cut a clip of your video and upload it to your feed to promote your video. I think this is a smart way to promote your videos.
#2 you can just repurpose your YouTube thumbnail image and add it to your feed. I actually don’t like this option because I like to have a pretty Instagram feed.
Don’t know where to start when it comes to creating videos? Here’s my step by step video creation process to plan and schedule your videos. The goal is to plan so you have easy video shoot.
How to plan so you have an easy video shoot
There are 3 stages creating videos. These are the pre-production phase, the production phase, and the post-production phase.
Let’s start with the Pre-production phase.
This is the most important phase of the 3 phases. Without this phase, the whole video content process is a mess. Everything will be unorganized and it’ll take longer to create your videos. We all know that time equals money.
Pre-production can be a big process when it comes to creating big productions, but we’re only talking about creating short videos for YouTube or your other social media channels.
We’re going to keep this super simple. You only need 2 things and that’s to brainstorm your video content ideas and create your script. That’s it.
Are you a service based business that can’t think of video content ideas for your YouTube channel? Learn 3 simple ways you can brainstorm video content ideas.
The hardest part of creating a video is actually thinking of what to create. I think it’s even harder if you’re a service based business.
I mean if I were creating videos for my own vanity, I would definitely create lifestyle videos, but my lifestyle is too lazy and stagnant for that.
AND, if I had a product based business, I would create videos that showcased my products and how awesome they are.
So if I’m a service based business, which I am *wink*, what kind of video content should I create?
Well, there are actually 3 different ways to create your content.
3 simple ways to brainstorm video content
Client pain points
The first is kind of obvious and the easiest when you’re starting off creating video content and that’s your client pain points.
What do I mean by that? It means create videos on the problems that your clients are complaining about.
This video is a great example of that.
If you don’t know, On Wednesdays, We Go Rogue. No for real, that’s the name of my newsletter. Well, one of my subscribers actually hit reply and asked me about video content ideas.
Are you having trouble creating blog posts using WordPress Gutenberg? Here’s the easiest and fastest way to create a blog post in WordPress with Gutenberg.
Change is inevitable, but it still sucks.
I’m going to go over the simplest and fastest way to create a blog post in WordPress using Gutenberg.
The fastest way to post a blog in WordPress with Gutenberg
Here’s the backend of the website. If you didn’t know, I use WordPress and I design WordPress websites.
This is what Gutenberg looks like. Basically, you’re creating content using blocks. Each block is used to represent a header, paragraph, image, and so on.
Honest thought alert!
My honest thoughts are I hate Gutenberg and prefer the original basic word document. It was easier for me to add my own code and less time-consuming.
Now, you might be wondering why I don’t switch back to the original layout, and that’s because of 2 things: laziness and trying to keep an open mind.
I gotta keep up with technology, even my mom is more advanced than I am. She’s the one who taught me about apps and other things that I don’t use on my phone.
Ah, I remember the days of dial-up internet. While I was waiting for the call sound to go through in the background, I could multitask and make a sandwich. Kids have it easy these days. Let me know in the comments below if you remember the struggle.
Anyways, with the changes, I needed a faster and easier way to create blog posts. Then I went back to my tried and true method.
Warning, I’m not advocating making these mistakes, but these are common things that I see when I’m editing videos. I don’t know who said this quote, but ‘Done is better than perfect’. Meaning, it’s better to get something done than to try to be perfect and have nothing. You don’t have to be too perfect when you film your videos. Just get it done. Here are 5 video mistakes you can fix in editing.
5 video mistakes you can fix in editing
01 Color correction
Did you forget to white balance before you hit record? Do you even know what white balance is? Nowadays, most cameras come with an auto white balance function, but some people don’t utilize it.
When you don’t white balance before you start filming, the parts of the video that are supposed to be white, usually have a yellowish hue to them. If you don’t know anything about white balance, you can Google or search on YouTube. There are a gazillion resources that talk about it and how to do it.
White balance is one way to make your videos look more professional. If you make the mistake of not white balancing, you can always say you were going for a vintage look. Even if you didn’t accidentally do it on purpose, don’t panic because it can easily be fixed in editing.
Before you start recording, you can hold up something white so it’s easier to use the white balance eyedropper tool in your video editing app (I use Adobe Premiere Pro). If that’s not possible, you can change the color temperature manually.Read More “5 video mistakes you can fix in editing”
If you’re just getting started creating videos, then the first type of videos you should create is *drum roll please* ‘HOW TO” videos. Here are 3 free options to record your computer screen for your service-based business to get you started on creating tutorials.
There are many reasons you might want to record your computer screen. You might want to train an employee or contractor how to do something, you might want to show your clients how to do something, or you might want to show your audience how to do something.
Basically, you’re creating a tutorial on how to do something.
Hello, and welcome back to my channel. Paigon here, and in this video I’m going to give you 3 free options to record your computer screen.
3 free options to record your computer screen for your service-based business
The first options is for Mac users. It’s also the option I use the most, and that’s Quicktime. Quicktime comes already installed on your iMac and MacBook, which I have both.
I don’t know if it comes with iPhone because I went rogue and bought a Samsung instead. Sorry iPhone fans, but I’m team Samsung on this.
Let me know in the comments if you know if Quicktime is also preinstalled on iPhones.
If you’re not a Mac user, then these next 2 options are for you.
The first is Zoom. I use it for discovery calls, calls with my clients, and coffee chats. I’ve also attended a lot of meetings on Zoom. But did you know you can share your screen on it?
Yes, so if you already use zoom for client meetings, then you should definitely try it for recording your computer screen.
The 3rd option is the best if you don’t want to download an app to your computer. It’s totally on the internet. In fact, you have to have a Google account because it’s a Chrome extension.
This one is called Loom. You can sign up using your Google account or your Slack account.
I know a lot of business owners use Loom to record tutorials for their employees. I’ve used it to send a quick video to my client on how to do things on YouTube.
The other great thing about Loom is you edit your video after you record it, so it’s super convenient.
Those were your 3 free options to record your computer screen. Let me know in the comments below if you’ve used any of these tools and which one is your favorite. If you like this video then hit subscribe to get my latest videos.
Are you a service-based business wanting to create engaging videos? Here are 3 B-roll footage ideas you can use in your videos.
If you’re creating videos for your service based business, most likely you’re creating videos to help your clients, build brand awareness, and/or to showcase how awesome your services are in some way.
3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business
The first type of B-Roll footage you can use for your business is great for how to videos. You’ll probably use this to show your audience how to use your service or teach them how to do something that compliments your service in some way.
The best way to do that is to actually show them, and for that, you can cut away to your screen.
For example, here’s the video I created on creating default descriptions, and I talk about creating a google doc. Well, I cut to the Google Doc I created to show you the document I created.
The next type of B-Roll you can use is to build brand awareness. If you’re a small business or doing things solo, you can use footage that showcases your work environment or just yourself.
For example, you can cut away to footage of you or your employees working, or if you’re building a personal brand you can showcase your actual life as it pertains to your video.
Like I could be talking about my business and cut away to myself working. Like this, but with footage of me of course.
Or if I was working on building a personal brand or if my brand was all about being BFFs with my audience and being open about my life, then I could cut away to some personal images like me with my family.
The last type of B-roll you can use is for showcasing your services. For example, if you’re a brand designer, and you’re talking about building a brand you can show an image of you working or the tools you use to work.
Like I could talk about choosing colors for a brand, and you’ll see this image of color swatches.
Those were the 3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for the latest videos.
If you want the list of B-roll ideas you can use for your service based business, then click here to grab it.