3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business

3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business

Are you a service-based business wanting to create engaging videos? Here are 3 B-roll footage ideas you can use in your videos.

If you’re creating videos for your service based business, most likely you’re creating videos to help your clients, build brand awareness, and/or to showcase how awesome your services are in some way.

3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business

The first type of B-Roll footage you can use for your business is great for how to videos. You’ll probably use this to show your audience how to use your service or teach them how to do something that compliments your service in some way.

The best way to do that is to actually show them, and for that, you can cut away to your screen.

For example, here’s the video I created on creating default descriptions, and I talk about creating a google doc. Well, I cut to the Google Doc I created to show you the document I created.


The next type of B-Roll you can use is to build brand awareness. If you’re a small business or doing things solo, you can use footage that showcases your work environment or just yourself.

For example, you can cut away to footage of you or your employees working, or if you’re building a personal brand you can showcase your actual life as it pertains to your video.

Like I could be talking about my business and cut away to myself working. Like this, but with footage of me of course.

Or if I was working on building a personal brand or if my brand was all about being BFFs with my audience and being open about my life, then I could cut away to some personal images like me with my family.

The last type of B-roll you can use is for showcasing your services. For example, if you’re a brand designer, and you’re talking about building a brand you can show an image of you working or the tools you use to work.

Like I could talk about choosing colors for a brand, and you’ll see this image of color swatches.

Those were the 3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for the latest videos.

If you want the list of B-roll ideas you can use for your service based business, then click here to grab it.

Create engaging videos with B Roll Footage

Create engaging videos with B Roll Footage

Are you creating videos for your business, but they’re looking kind of boring? Well one way you can make your videos more engaging is to use B-Roll footage.

Sometimes it can get a little boring watching someone talk on and on about a subject. It sort of feels like watching a lecture sometimes.

Today, I’m going to talk about B-roll footage and how it can help entrepreneurs make their videos more engaging.

So, what’s B-roll footage. It’s basically the images you see that’s not the main image. So while I’m talking, I could cut away to or switch to another image, but you still see my voice.


Usually the image or footage has something to do what I’m talking about. So right now, I just cut away to another footage, but use still hear my voice talking, but you don’t see me.

That’s B-roll footage.

Read More “Create engaging videos with B Roll Footage”

How to create a YouTube end screen

Want to keep viewers watching your YouTube videos? Learn how to add an end screen to your YouTube video.

So you want people to keep watching your videos after they’ve found you? Well, there’s an easy way to do that, and that’s end screens.

How to add end screens to your videos.

YouTube is great, because once people find your videos, and they like you, they’ll binge-watch all your videos, so why not make it easy for them by adding an end screen?

Before we get started, make sure you’re logged into your YouTube channel, of course, and just so you know, you can actually add an end screen to a video that you’re uploading, or an already uploaded video.

So let me show you how to do that. First, of course, we need to upload a video, now you want to  create an end screen. So, the point of the end screen is to keep people watching your videos, so they can keep watching your most recent video, your best video, and you can also have a subscribe icon.

So on the right hand side, I already put in the subscribe button. I’m going to add an element, I’m going to add ‘Video or Playlist’, and I’m going to put ‘Most Recent Upload’.

The Ultimate Guide to Uploading your YouTube Video checklist
Read More “How to create a YouTube end screen”

How to use TubeBuddy for YouTube

Want to get found on YouTube? Use Tubebuddy to help you optimize your channel so you can get found in the search results.

How do you get people to watch your videos?

Well, they have to find you first.

Today I’m going to show you how to get found on YouTube. So, I talked about how you need to use keywords that your target audience searches for in your title, your description, and your tags.

Well, how do you know that you’re using the right keywords? The answer is TubeBuddy. Let’s not lie, I’m pretty lazy. I mean– Super efficient. I don’t have the time to waste searching online for the best keywords, researching titles, researching tags, all this stuff. Because you know, I have a business to run. I have clients to work with, I have video content to make, blog posts to put out, newsletters, social media, and all the other things that I want to  do for my business.

Instead, I use TubeBuddy to research tags and headlines for my video.

So, here’s how to use TubeBuddy for YouTube.

Okay, so first we’re going to research titles for YouTube videos. So, this is basically how I come up with my headlines, titles, whatever you want to  call it for YouTube. One of the videos I created was about uploading your YouTube videos, so I’m going to start with ‘upload videos to YouTube’.

Then you just click Show Keyword Score, and it’s bad. So, I do not want to  use this for my YouTube title. Maybe ‘how to upload videos to YouTube’. And I’m going to show keywords, but you’ll also see these related searches, ‘how to upload videos to YouTube from Xbox One’, ‘from iPhone’, ‘from PS4’. Let me click on one of these. Ugh. It got better but it’s not great. This one says very good, so I went ahead and used this as my title for my video.

The Ultimate Guide to Uploading your YouTube Video checklist
Read More “How to use TubeBuddy for YouTube”
Save time and create default descriptions and tags on YouTube

Save time and create default descriptions and tags on YouTube

Want to save time typing in the same YouTube description and tags? Create a default description and tags.

Do you copy and paste the same details for your description and tags for every video you upload to Youtube? Or worse, do you type it in every time you create a new video? Well in this video, I’m going to show you how to create a default description and default text so you don’t have to do that anymore.

Create default descriptions

The first thing you’re going to do is open up a document and write out all the details that you want to include in every video you upload. So, I like to use Google Docs.

Okay so first, we have to make sure that we’re logged into Youtube of course. So we’re going to go to Youtube Studio (beta) and if you’re not in this beta mode, it should be Creator Studio.

Read More “Save time and create default descriptions and tags on YouTube”


Ready to hit publish on your YouTube video? Make sure you do these 5 things before you schedule your YouTube video.

01 Titles

I’m going to show you the five things you need to do before you hit publish on your YouTube videos. So, the first thing you need to do when you upload your video is, of course, create a title for your video.

This is important because this is good for SEO. It’s  what helps you get found on YouTube when people search for keywords. So you want to make sure to use keywords in your title.

So I know that this video (I’m uploading) is about uploading videos to YouTube, so I know that my title has to have “upload” and “YouTube” in it. Okay, so I’m going to name this video ‘How to upload and schedule your YouTube video from computer’.

02 Description

The second thing that’s great for SEO is your description. You want to make sure that you always have a description for your video. It’s also important to have your keywords in your description. You probably want to have one to two sentences and you want to make sure that they include the keywords that your target audience is searching for.

I made sure that the keywords “how to upload your video to YouTube” is included, “learn how to upload and schedule your video to YouTube”. Because I want to make sure that the people who are looking for ‘how to upload a video’ or ‘how to schedule a video for YouTube’ find me.

03 Tags

The next thing I want to do is create tags. Tags are also good for SEO. The tags I want to include are “how to upload your video to YouTube” “how to schedule your video” “how to schedule your YouTube videos” Okay so here are all the keywords that I want to use: “upload video to YouTube” “how to upload video” “upload video” “YouTube tips” “how to upload video on YouTube”

The Ultimate Guide to Uploading your YouTube Video checklist
How to upload and schedule your YouTube video

How to upload and schedule your YouTube video

So you’ve filmed and edited your video, but now you need to upload it to YouTube. In this video, I’m gonna show you how to upload and schedule your video to YouTube.

Before we upload the video the first thing we need to do is, of course, log in to our YouTube account.

So, I’m already logged in. Now I’m gonna go to this little camera icon with the plus button. When you hover over it, it says ‘create a video or post’. So you just click on it. Then you have the option of uploading a video or going live. So we’re just gonna upload a video. Then you just need to select a file to upload. I’m just gonna pick this video right here.

So then we’re gonna go to the right where it says private. You can either make the video public or you can schedule the video. When you make the video public it’s gonna go live as soon as this video finishes uploading.


The Ultimate Guide to Uploading your YouTube Video checklist

But I’m gonna schedule the video.

I’m gonna choose January 10th at 10:00 a.m. Then you see this little button right here, ‘publish on Thursday, January 10th’, and then click, and it’s scheduled. That’s how you upload a video to YouTube.

So now you know how to upload your video, but don’t hit publish yet. In the next video, I’m gonna show you the five things you need to do before you hit publish. So if you’re not subscribed go ahead and subscribe, and hit the little bell notification, and you’ll be notified when the new video comes out. I’ve also created a checklist for you.

Grab your checklist here.

Are you launching a YouTube channel this year? Let me know in the comments below.




The Ultimate Guide to Uploading your YouTube Video checklist


How to upload and schedule your YouTube video How to upload and schedule your YouTube video How to upload and schedule your YouTube video How to upload and schedule your YouTube video
Video Editing and design for Heather Hartman Coaching
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Video Editing and Design for Heather Hartman Coaching

When Heather Hartman first hired me, she wanted me to edit her Facebook live videos into IG TV videos.

If you ever been to a Facebook live, you know that there’s a lot of distractions when you’re live. The reason most businesses go on Facebook live is to give information to their audience. BUT, because it’s live, you also want to talk and interact with your audience.

The combination of giving the information and engaging with your audience makes the video longer than it needs to be. I was tasked with editing out all the small talk and repetitive information so that it’ll fit into the IG TV standard of 10 minutes.

Besides the usual editing of sound, lighting, and bloopers, I also had to change the video dimensions since IG TV is usually viewed on the phone.

Here’s one of the videos I edited for Heather Hartman Coaching.



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Check out Heather Hartman’s IG TV videos here.

Once we finished this project, Heather Hartman wanted to start a YouTube channel and get serious about creating content.

For this project, I’m taking on the role of her Channel Manager and creating the thumbnails for each video.



Check out Heather Hartman’s channel here.


Package: Video Editing


Video Editing and Design for SEEKAYSEE
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Video Editing and Design for SEEKAYSEE

This project is kind of a passion project. I’ve always wanted to step into the realm of beauty, fashion, and lifestyle vlogs.

I stumbled upon SeeKaySee on YouTube searching for cruelty-free beauty tutorials. I saw her doing one of her creative makeup tutorials and started stalking her on Instagram.

We messaged each other a few times and I started going to her live Twitch streams. If you haven’t been to a live Twitch stream, it’s amazing. It’s like attending a live show and interacting with the host and other people in the chat.

The downside of Twitch streams is they are long and their focus is mainly on gaming, but I think it definitely has potential (for business and other genres).

Getting back on topic, I thought it was a waste not to create shorter videos of her makeup tutorials and add them to YouTube, and that’s how this collaboration came about.

I started repurposing Chris’s 3-hour Twitch videos so they could become short makeup tutorials for YouTube. This sort of morphed into other video ideas.

Check out the video below of funny moments from SeeKaySee. I had fun editing together her funniest moments and adding graphics to match the mood.


Here’s a video from Twitch to IGTV

Want to check out her live Twitch stream? Click here for her channel.

Package: Video Editing and Design

Video Editing and Design for The Virtual Savvy
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Video Editing and Design for The Virtual Savvy

I’ve been dragging my feet updating my portfolio, but I’m excited to present some of the work I’ve been doing. 

I'm the best

Bragging aside, I was excited to work with Abbey Ashley from The Virtual Savvy. The actual video was already edited, but she wanted to add graphics.

This’ll sound lame, but at first, I wasn’t going to take on the project, but I changed my mind for 2 reasons.

Number 1, I try to say yes to projects as much as possible because I think everything is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. Number 2, I watched Abbey’s video and fell in love with Abbey’s personality.

I continued to be impressed by Abbey during this project because of her professionalism. It struck me that this must be the essence of being a VA. This excited and inspired me to go all out for this video.

For this project, I used Adobe After Effects because (this is my personal opinion) the graphics tend to have a more high-quality look. I also envisioned using text and wanted to animate them.

In the end, I loved the overall look of the video. Watch the video below to see the finished product.



Package: Video Editing