3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business
Are you a service-based business wanting to create engaging videos? Here are 3 B-roll footage ideas you can use in your videos.
If you’re creating videos for your service based business, most likely you’re creating videos to help your clients, build brand awareness, and/or to showcase how awesome your services are in some way.
3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business
The first type of B-Roll footage you can use for your business is great for how to videos. You’ll probably use this to show your audience how to use your service or teach them how to do something that compliments your service in some way.
The best way to do that is to actually show them, and for that, you can cut away to your screen.
For example, here’s the video I created on creating default descriptions, and I talk about creating a google doc. Well, I cut to the Google Doc I created to show you the document I created.

The next type of B-Roll you can use is to build brand awareness. If you’re a small business or doing things solo, you can use footage that showcases your work environment or just yourself.
For example, you can cut away to footage of you or your employees working, or if you’re building a personal brand you can showcase your actual life as it pertains to your video.
Like I could be talking about my business and cut away to myself working. Like this, but with footage of me of course.
Or if I was working on building a personal brand or if my brand was all about being BFFs with my audience and being open about my life, then I could cut away to some personal images like me with my family.
The last type of B-roll you can use is for showcasing your services. For example, if you’re a brand
Like I could talk about choosing colors for a brand, and you’ll see this image of color swatches.
Those were the 3 B-Roll footage ideas you can use in your videos for your service based business. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for the latest videos.
If you want the list of B-roll ideas you can use for your service based business, then click here to grab it.