How to plan so you have an easy video shoot

How to plan so you have an easy video shoot

Don’t know where to start when it comes to creating videos? Here’s my step by step video creation process to plan and schedule your videos. The goal is to plan so you have easy video shoot.

How to plan so you have an easy video shoot

There are 3 stages creating videos. These are the pre-production phase, the production phase, and the post-production phase.

Let’s start with the Pre-production phase.

This is the most important phase of the 3 phases. Without this phase, the whole video content process is a mess. Everything will be unorganized and it’ll take longer to create your videos. We all know that time equals money.

Pre-production can be a big process when it comes to creating big productions, but we’re only talking about creating short videos for YouTube or your other social media channels.

We’re going to keep this super simple. You only need 2 things and that’s to brainstorm your video content ideas and create your script. That’s it.

Want to learn more about creating a script? Click here to find out why you should create a script for your video.

Read More “How to plan so you have an easy video shoot”
Video Editing and design for Heather Hartman Coaching
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Video Editing and Design for Heather Hartman Coaching

When Heather Hartman first hired me, she wanted me to edit her Facebook live videos into IG TV videos.

If you ever been to a Facebook live, you know that there’s a lot of distractions when you’re live. The reason most businesses go on Facebook live is to give information to their audience. BUT, because it’s live, you also want to talk and interact with your audience.

The combination of giving the information and engaging with your audience makes the video longer than it needs to be. I was tasked with editing out all the small talk and repetitive information so that it’ll fit into the IG TV standard of 10 minutes.

Besides the usual editing of sound, lighting, and bloopers, I also had to change the video dimensions since IG TV is usually viewed on the phone.

Here’s one of the videos I edited for Heather Hartman Coaching.



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Check out Heather Hartman’s IG TV videos here.

Once we finished this project, Heather Hartman wanted to start a YouTube channel and get serious about creating content.

For this project, I’m taking on the role of her Channel Manager and creating the thumbnails for each video.



Check out Heather Hartman’s channel here.


Package: Video Editing


Video Editing and Design for SEEKAYSEE
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Video Editing and Design for SEEKAYSEE

This project is kind of a passion project. I’ve always wanted to step into the realm of beauty, fashion, and lifestyle vlogs.

I stumbled upon SeeKaySee on YouTube searching for cruelty-free beauty tutorials. I saw her doing one of her creative makeup tutorials and started stalking her on Instagram.

We messaged each other a few times and I started going to her live Twitch streams. If you haven’t been to a live Twitch stream, it’s amazing. It’s like attending a live show and interacting with the host and other people in the chat.

The downside of Twitch streams is they are long and their focus is mainly on gaming, but I think it definitely has potential (for business and other genres).

Getting back on topic, I thought it was a waste not to create shorter videos of her makeup tutorials and add them to YouTube, and that’s how this collaboration came about.

I started repurposing Chris’s 3-hour Twitch videos so they could become short makeup tutorials for YouTube. This sort of morphed into other video ideas.

Check out the video below of funny moments from SeeKaySee. I had fun editing together her funniest moments and adding graphics to match the mood.

Here’s a video from Twitch to IGTV

Want to check out her live Twitch stream? Click here for her channel.

Package: Video Editing and Design

Video Editing and Design for The Virtual Savvy
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Video Editing and Design for The Virtual Savvy

I’ve been dragging my feet updating my portfolio, but I’m excited to present some of the work I’ve been doing. 

I'm the best

Bragging aside, I was excited to work with Abbey Ashley from The Virtual Savvy. The actual video was already edited, but she wanted to add graphics.

This’ll sound lame, but at first, I wasn’t going to take on the project, but I changed my mind for 2 reasons.

Number 1, I try to say yes to projects as much as possible because I think everything is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. Number 2, I watched Abbey’s video and fell in love with Abbey’s personality.

I continued to be impressed by Abbey during this project because of her professionalism. It struck me that this must be the essence of being a VA. This excited and inspired me to go all out for this video.

For this project, I used Adobe After Effects because (this is my personal opinion) the graphics tend to have a more high-quality look. I also envisioned using text and wanted to animate them.

In the end, I loved the overall look of the video. Watch the video below to see the finished product.



Package: Video Editing

How my wrist injury helped me revamp my business

How my wrist injury helped me revamp my business

Before I get into how my wrist injury helped me revamp my business, I want to give you a peek inside how I was living before my wrist injury happened. I was working more than 12 hours every day. Since I was working so much, my health took a back seat. I already gained like 30 lbs because I started eating foods that were more convenient to save time. Not only that, but I was exercising less. I use to exercise 4 to 5 days a week for about an hour a day, but now I was exercising for 30 minutes for 2 or 3 days a week.

I had the mindset of ‘If you’re not hustling, you’re not succeeding’. My butt was in my chair all the time and my family was definitely annoyed because I was spending less time with them. Then, one day, I was doing a wheel pose after a cool down, and I hurt my wrist. I didn’t really know until the next morning, but I brushed it off and kept working, so the pain increased. It got to a point where I couldn’t do anything. I had to quit working.

I’m a failure

Not working, made me feel like a failure. This was the lowest point in my life because I had to depend on everyone to do everything for me. Not only wasn’t I working, but I couldn’t do any household chores or cook. I was useless. All I did was sit around the house feeling depressed while watching TV. To make things worse, I gained another 20 lbs.

While I was in my depression, I realized I needed a change. I started hanging out with my family more and I was becoming more of a human being instead of a robot who was always working. I also decided to work on some courses that I bought, but hadn’t finished.

During this time, I had an epiphany. There were so many things that I wanted to do, but couldn’t because I was always busy working. What’s the point of working all day, every day if I wasn’t happy? Because of this, I decided I needed to work smarter not harder to create a balance.

How my wrist injury helped me revamp my business

It’s all over

The first thing I realized after my wrist injury was my business is nothing without me. I couldn’t do any work without my wrist. If I can’t work, I can’t make any income. This was an eye-opener for me. How can I take days off, have sick days, and so on if my business can’t survive without me?

At this point, I can’t say that my business will survive without me, but I have systems in place so I don’t have to work as hard as I did when I first started. Read More “How my wrist injury helped me revamp my business”

Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL
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Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL

Yay, I’m excited to post my first portfolio for video editing! Here’s the video editing and design for Sophie VL.

Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL


Sophie VL is a business coach who helps overwhelmed entrepreneurs grow their online business and ditch the plan B.

YouTube Videos

Sophie creates consistent videos every Tuesday and Thursday, so I edit 2 videos a week.

Color Correction and Lighting

The first thing I do for any video is a color correction and adjust the lighting. Before I start any project, I send a questionnaire to my clients. From that questionnaire, I take into consideration the style that the client likes, their brand, and their content when deciding on lighting and color.



Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL Before color correction


Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL after color correction

Editing and cuts

This is all dependent on the client. At the beginning of the project, there were a lot of jump cuts and heavy editing when there were mistakes. Sophie didn’t care too much for having a lot of edits and cuts, because she wanted to keep things natural.




Channel Manager

I’m actually the channel manager for Sophie VL. I upload videos, research titles, and tags, schedule the videos and create the end cards for the videos. Sophie only has to concentrate on creating awesome content. Read More “Video Editing and Design for Sophie VL”

5 easy tips for creating captivating YouTube Thumbnails

5 easy tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails

If you’re a business owner, you might think that creating captivating YouTube thumbnails is hard, but it’s actually really easy. All you have to do is think of thumbnails as book covers. The only difference is that on YouTube, you are judging a book by its cover. If you’re just starting off making YouTube videos, the thing that will get viewers to click on your videos (besides SEO), is your thumbnail. Here are 5 easy tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails.

5 tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails

If your video is showing up on searches, you want to be the video that viewers click on. If the title and content are the same, hopefully, your content matches the title, the best way to stand out is your thumbnail. As a beginner starting off on YouTube it’s important to focus on the design of your thumbnail. Let’s get started.

01 Put a face on it

It’s time to start posing because faces are the way to getting noticed. No, really. A thumbnail with your face on it is more likely to get clicked on than a thumbnail without a face. That’s probably why you see all those goofy and extreme facial expressions on YouTube thumbnails. Am I telling you to go that extreme? No, but if you’re making videos showing your face anyway, then you might as well put it on your thumbnail.

put a face on it


The easiest way to get your image is to make a still image from your video content. Sometimes this doesn’t always work, especially if you care about the way you look. I’m not going to lie, I definitely care about how I look, so when I’m editing videos, I try to pick a video that makes you look good. If you’re editing your own videos, there will be more times when you pause your video and you’re making an ugly face than a flattering one.

Because I know that image is important, I tell my clients to pose at the beginning of their video. Hit record and pose for 5 seconds, then do another pose, and another. It feels dumb, but you’ll have thumbnail choices that you won’t hate. If that’s too embarrassing or you want to have more control of your image, I have a client that takes selfies instead and gives those to me for her thumbnail options.

02 Text is everything


put text on your thumbnail


When you’re starting off with vlogging, having text on your thumbnails is really important. Why? Because no one will click on a video if they don’t know what it’s about. Here are some tips on creating the title for you YouTube thumbnail:

  1. Make sure the title is relevant to your YouTube video.
  2. Your thumbnail title doesn’t have to match the YouTube title.
  3. Try to make it short and catchy.  Most people are skimming thumbnails.


Stand out online and learn how to brand your YouTube channel in this 5-day email course. You'll also be subscribed to 'On Wednesday, We Go Rogue' and get access to the Go Rogue Library.

When you make it to the big time, you won’t have to worry about it. That’s why you see big accounts sometimes don’t have text on their thumbnails because people already know who they are. Read More “5 easy tips for creating captivating YouTube thumbnails”

7 video content ideas for businesses on YouTube to help grow their following

7 Video content ideas for businesses on YouTube to help grow their following

If you’re on YouTube, you’re trying to stand out with your content and attract your target audience and get them to subscribe to your channel. You know what’s not going to get subscribers? Boring how-to videos. I’m not saying to stop doing those videos. In fact, I think they’ll attract your audience. People go to YouTube to learn how to do things. BUT, if you want them to hit subscribe, then you have to think like a lifestyle vlogger. That’s why I created 7 video content ideas for businesses on YouTube to help grow their following.

Why think like a lifestyle vlogger? If you’ve ever been on YouTube, you’ll notice that these people are like celebrities.  Viewers watch their videos mainly because they can relate to them or want to become them. It’s rare that people will subscribe just to learn something. In fact, a lot of people love to binge watch videos when they go on YouTube. Who wants to binge-watch educational videos?

Basically, you have to build a connection with your audience. Your viewers have to form an attachment to you, and the best way is to think like a lifestyle vlogger. Below are 7 video content ideas to add personality to your channel.

7 video content ideas for businesses on YouTube

01.  Behind the Scenes or Inside look

You can do a behind the scenes look at your office or a process of your business. This is the number one reason why we stalk celebrities. We want to know their daily routine, how to be as successful as them, and just everything about their life.



Business video ideas:

  • Inside look at your morning routine
  • An inside look at how you stay productive
  • Behind the scenes of your work process
  • Inside look at how you plan your work day

02. Monthly favorites

If you’ve watched lifestyle videos, you’ll notice that there are quite a few ‘Monthly Favorites’ videos. These videos consist of products that vloggers loved that month. You can take this same concept and use it for your business. Also, if you’re an affiliate, this is an extra way to promote to your audience without being too salesy.


Monthly favorites


Video ideas:

  • Book reviews
  • Favorite tools that you’re using
  • Favorite product that you’re using in your business or that helps your business

Read More “7 Video content ideas for businesses on YouTube to help grow their following”

On Wednesdays We Go Rogue

On Wednesdays We Go Rogue

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I scrapped my old newsletter and decided to make a change. So now, On Wednesdays, we go rogue! What does that mean? Every Wednesday, I’m popping in your inbox to give you updates and tips that’ll help your business. Not only that, but the resource library is going to be a membership extension to the newsletter. It’ll be called Go Rogue Library. It’ll still house all your resources, but they will also be released in my emails so that you won’t have to keep signing up every time for an opt-in. 


On Wednesdays we wear black

What you can expect

On the road to domination

If you’re not learning then you’re not growing! In this section, I’ll shine a spotlight on the things that I’ve used to grow my business. This will be freebies, videos, products, courses, or tools that I’ve actually found useful for my business. Just think of this as professional development. You should be doing that at least once a week anyway.


Who run the world

There’s definitely rest for the wicked, the wickedly awesome that is…

The #1 thing I regret about starting my business journey, is that I was 100% about my business. So much so, that I’d get ill and had no time for the people around me. Most people start their own business because they think they’ll have time to do all the things they want, like hanging out with family and friends, having hobbies, traveling and so on. If you’re hustling 24/7, then you’re doing it wrong.  In this section, you’ll get a peek at what I’m doing on my downtime.


treat yourself


On Wednesdays We Go Rogue Email Header

Get weekly YouTube, branding, Wordpress, and business tips and VIP discounts and promotions delivered straight to your inbox along with access to the Go Rouge Library. 

Read More “On Wednesdays We Go Rogue”

Video editing process

My video editing process

My biggest goal when editing and creating designs for videos is to help you attract your dream audience and become THE authority in your field. When I first envisioned my video editing process for this service, it was geared towards YouTube, but I have since expanded to other social media. The clients that I’m currently working with wanted videos created for Instagram, Instagram stories, and Facebook, so I added those options into this package.

My other goal is to focus on adding lifestyle elements to videos for entrepreneurs. Why? Because your audience wants to connect with you and once they do, they’ll want to follow/subscribe to your account and stay updated. I don’t want you to create a one and done video (those videos people look for to learn something, and when they do, they leave your channel and forget about you). I want you to create an audience that is excited to watch your videos consistently. Now that you know my main goals, here’s what you can expect from my video editing package.

My video editing process

Doing the homework

Once you book my service, you have a little homework to do. The first thing I do when you’re booked as a client is adding you to a project in Asana. Asana is a project management system and it’s where we’ll be doing all of our communication (you’ll still get email notifications, but through Asana).

Don’t worry, it’s FREE and easy to use. I’ll assign you to your task (your homework) and you’ll also see where I am and when things are due for your project. This makes it easier to communicate and manage all our files.

After you get access to your project in Asana, you’ll see that you have a questionnaire to fill out. This questionnaire helps me figure out what style to edit your videos in, your branding, who your audience is, and so on. I need this completed before I start editing your videos.

Also, on the questionnaire, there’s a section that lets me know how you’ll deliver your videos. You’ll let me know if you use Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive or any other cloud storage you have. If you want me to upload your videos to YouTube, you can provide access to your login or you can add my email address to your account.

Once you finish the questionnaire, you just mark the task as completed in Asana. The next homework assignment is to give me your brand style guide or elements of your brand (if applicable).

Click here to read more about the client process.

Click here to learn more about Asana. Read More “My video editing process”